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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.



Showing 11

Allow date/time depended surcharges

We would like to have the ability to apply surcharges for weekend or for extended hours (i.e. regular price 7am-5pm, premium for 5:01pm-9pm).
Ralf Maier over 3 years ago in Invoicing 0 Reviewing

Ability to Rebill multiple invoices into one for a customer

If there was a problem with multiple invoices sent to a customer, it would be beneficial to have the ability to rebill those invoices by combining them into one invoice.
Logan Van Proyen almost 6 years ago in Invoicing 1 Reviewing

Resend Invoices

The ability to re-send previously sent invoices.
Garry Reimer over 3 years ago in Invoicing 0 Reviewing

Option (check box) to send multiple/all customer invoices attached to a single email instead of multiple

Apex currently sends one email per invoice, so if a customer has 4 invoices, they receive 4 emails. adding an option to aggregate a customer's invoices as multiple attachments to a single email (4 invoices attached to 1 email) would reduce the qua...
Guest over 1 year ago in Invoicing 0 Reviewing

Ability to automatically generate invoices

Posting tickets can be automated via the command line. A specific configuration can be specified, so that only certain tickets can be posted, etc. (perhaps 1 billing group). It would be beneficial if Invoicing could also have this logic. This woul...
Chris Miranti over 5 years ago in Invoicing 0 Reviewing

Post tickets by order/product

In post tickets, adding an addtioal option to post tickets by order (or order range) and or by product (or a product range). like you can in freight by ticket reports.
Abi Burkum over 6 years ago in Invoicing 0 Reviewing

Split Freight functionality for Rail Tickets

We want to split freight rail BOLs as well, but currently split freight in our environment only copies over itemno=1, so we have to manually rekey rail BOL into the freight company or create data loads to get the freight tickets going. It would...
Justin Higdon over 6 years ago in Invoicing 0 Reviewing

Split Freigt Material - Add options to allow selecting of Ticket Type

Our company enters a fair number of manual tickets which are typically processed separately from the main scale tickets. On the Posting Screen, we have the option to select which types of tickets we would like to process (Scale, Misc/Rail). Would ...
Richard Clemens over 4 years ago in Invoicing 0 Reviewing

Email Invoices - Catch no email address

When a customer is set to have invoices emailed, but the use the default address option is not checked and an email address is not entered, an error is created in the invoice batch that is not cleanly handled. Please add an enhancement to catch th...
Guest almost 3 years ago in Invoicing 0 Reviewing

Edit by PO. The tickets are grouped by PO when the print so I should also be able to edit them by PO in addition to the current parameters.

No description provided
Guest about 3 years ago in Invoicing 0 Reviewing