Create an option to UN-POST tickets if they haven't been invoiced.
Editing tickets in history is much more difficult than in edit, for good reason. If tickets are posted before proper edits are complete, it is very time consuming to resolve.
Chris Derksen
over 7 years ago
in Invoicing
Future consideration
We are able to email tickets from ticket inquiry. Although we can email invoices the long route by reprinting invoices to desktop and attaching to an email - it would be very convenient to have the short cut as in ticket inquiry.
almost 2 years ago
in Invoicing
Future consideration
The Email settings for "From Name" and "From Email address" seem to be global. As our Customer Reps are responsible for customers in their region it would be great to be able to tie those two fields to the region where the customer is located. Wit...
Ralf Maier
about 7 years ago
in Invoicing
Future consideration