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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Status Reviewing
Categories Auto ID
Created by Sam Galloway
Created on Aug 13, 2019

Allow Carrier Selection at Kiosk

For a fully automated site, it would be great to have the ability to select the carrier at the kiosk. We have drivers who can haul for different carriers from day to day. Giving them this option at the touchscreen would be very helpful. 

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  • Dan Beggs
    Oct 9, 2019

    We have some situations like this too.  For us, what I think would work is to be able to have the same vehicle exist on multiple carriers with the same AutoID value (probably 1 vehicle record per carrier).  Then, when they enter their VehicleID/AutoID value (for us, it is license plate), if that AutoID value is associated with multiple carriers, prompt for them to select the carrier to use for that load.