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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Status Future consideration
Categories Dispatch
Created by Justin Higdon
Created on Sep 29, 2017

Add option to run Location Demand Graph by location group and date range.

Location Demand Graph

Could an option be added to run for Location Group, could it be updated to run for date range.

Dispatchers in a dispatch office are responsible for a region of locations assigned to location groups. The fleet they manage are also more or less assigned to that region so by being able to see a location groups demand they can determine the total number for fleet required for the date.

  • Attach files
  • Justin Higdon
    Oct 11, 2017

    Russ, in the meantime we will export to excel and manually graph it. If there is no other interest in this item I don't expect it to get any traction, but I was asked to put it out there for consideration.

  • Russ Weston
    Oct 11, 2017


    What about the 'Dispatch Inquiry' program and adding graphing capabilities? (Long Term - Devlopement)


    Using the existing Dispatch Inquiry program and just exporting the data to excel and make a graph? (Near Term - No Development)



  • Justin Higdon
    Oct 11, 2017

    We do not have COMMANDtrack, these programs/reports can be found in the Dispatch folder for Apex.

    I think the better explanation would be a quick view of daily demand, across a date range. A quick view of the daily demand, separated by date, that can be run at one time.  Both to look at historic demand trends, in addition to forecasting the amount of vehicles needed for the next few days (we tend to have some but not all of our daily work called in and entered into the system a couple days out). The areas asking about this tend to manage a single fleet of vehicles that cover a large number of plants in a small area. 

  • Russ Weston
    Oct 11, 2017


    I was going to suggest that we discontinue the Dispatch.LocationDemandGraph.exe and Dispatch.VehicleDemandGraph.exe programs since some of the information can be found in the COMMANDtrack.
    Also, I was going to suggest that we enhance the Dispatch Inquiry program (and in reality all inquiry programs) to display graphs.
    Cale did a proof of concept (2) summers ago and we have not done any additional development for it.


    Russ Weston
    Development Manager - Apex
    913.384.0880 x5754 | Mobile 913.620.5075
    [CAI Text Logo]

  • Admin
    Command Alkon
    Oct 11, 2017

    Justin, Is this the demand graph to be used within COMMANDtrack?

    Also, can you explain the business case for needing to see the demand for a date range?  For example, COMMANDtrack will show you for the current date or if you choose future dates it will show the future dates on a rolling 24 hours basis if that is how COMMANDtrack is configured.  We are trying to understand why a dispatcher would need to know the demand for a date range like the next 4 days for example.