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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Status Future consideration
Categories Data Replication
Created by Logan Van Proyen
Created on Nov 26, 2019

Prioritize Data Replication Tables

Right now, the Data Replication process works in a FIFO stack. This generally works well until a site has been down for weekend with the Apex device being offline. This queues up all the changes, but once the site is back up, we are waiting for important rows (Slorder,Dsorder, etc.) that are in rows 5,000 or so. It would be awesome if we could mark those tables as Priority so the Data Rep service looks to replicate those FIRST before the other "normal" rows such as Tktruck, Slcust, etc... 

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  • Mark Adkinson
    Aug 19, 2022

    +1. We had our largest location go down for 2 days. It took way too long for DR to catch up when it was back online because of FIFO. This also causes delays in the back office as they can't process and reconcile tickets.

  • Kerry Dougan
    Dec 18, 2019

    Remote sites are run by generator and power down on weekends.  Monday mornings the scale is waiting for basic/critical ticketing information like Dsorder to replicate.  Ideally we would let the customer set priority to replication.