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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Status Future consideration
Categories Data Replication
Created by Chris Wright
Created on Nov 20, 2020

Recon App for Ticket Data Rep

To ensure all tickets from the remote POS databases have made it to the centralized back office and the latest version of each ticket has replicated, it would be nice to have something that runs once a day or as part of the end of day process that verified that all tickets from the POS have made it to the back office. This would be ideal for audit teams to review as well.

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  • melissa Willis
    Jun 16, 2022

    This is a significant need. At the very minimal an error report or message needs to be sent when the tickets are sent to the back office from remote locations. Some type of matching / verification needs to perform in the background that the tickets at the remote location successfully transmits all tickets to the back office.

    We are experiencing several hiccups with partial tickets being transmitted from locations to the back office. This creates an undue hardship on accounting.

  • Simon Ausseil
    Dec 18, 2020

    I agree with this need. We've also seen instances where data rep doesn't successfully send the record even through it things it was successful.

    We've actually set up a script that runs once an hour on all of our scale computers that will connect to the back-office database and verify that the tickets that are marked as successfully replicated actually exist in one of the ticket tables. If not, it flips the replicated flag back to No on the POS system so it can get sent again.

  • Justin Higdon
    Nov 20, 2020

    I know I've seen sporadic instances of data rep marking a ticket record as replicated to the back office but the ticket didn't show up, or tickets stuck trying to replicate and failing over and over to insert into the back office because the dispatch order on the ticket didn't make it to dsorder in the back office. It's possible that we've had tickets that never got invoiced because of this. This would be really helpful to know we have all tickets and that they are all the latest version of the ticket if it's been updated by the point of sale.