Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.
We would like to request either an enhancement or customization in CashRecon program. Specifically, we would like to show the Ticket Amount and not be able to edit that amount. Currently, you show Amount, which I guess is the total amount collected via Cash, Check and Unpaid, but there is no reference to the actual ticket amount so when our back office accounting clerks check the Daily Report, we have no idea if the correct amount for the ticket was collected. They then have to go into our ERP to see the actual ticket to make sure it matches what was collected. The person collecting the money can put in any value they want and there is no check back to the actual ticket. If the total collected and the ticket amount don’t match, we can’t tell that in CashRecon Daily Reports, so the only thing that is ‘reconciled’ is how much money is collected, which doesn’t reflect a reconciliation with the total monies for cash tickets for that day.
Can you also add a column that calculates the difference between the actual Ticket Amount and what was the Total Collected so our accounting clerks can tie out all the money compared to what was the total cash sales?
Sometimes our customers do not pay the full ticket amount and we want to be able to follow-up with them for the difference still owed. Currently, the Amount has to equal the Cash + Check + Unpaid amounts, but does not reference how much was supposed to be collected.