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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Status Reviewing
Categories Dispatch
Created by Julie Schmid
Created on Mar 10, 2022

Need a way to add vehicles to Dispatch without being able to modify the Dispatch itself.

There are times when Central Dispatch will not know in advance which vehicles are coming the next day to deliver on a dispatch. Under those circumstances, it sometimes would be the responsibility of the weighmaster to assign the vehicles to the Dispatch the following day. However, it is desired that the weighmaster not be able to modify the Dispatch itself. This is similar to allowing a user to update or add products to an Order, but not be able to update the Order itself.

Perhaps the Dispatch Orders screen should be treated similarly in Program Security, as is the Orders screen. Use the detail insert/edit/delete security settings to control the Vehicle Dispatch tab, while the main insert/edit/delete setting control the Dispatch Order itself.

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  • Brian Beason
    Jul 27, 2022

    How would the system handle your situation if the driver were to switch jobs? The reader will check them in for repeat last if you have that enabled. On the vehicle dispatch tab it may not keep a running total for that truck but it would create a new line every time they ticket. As far as what Julie was asking for you can do that with screen designer. Make everything read only except the vehicle dispatch tab. The user can still pull that dispatch up but they wouldn't be able to change anything

  • Allen Bryant
    Jul 26, 2022

    This is a huge issue for us. What I really want is to allow the user to select or enter the DispatchNo on the scale ticket screen. I don't want them to have to go to the dispatch order screen (it has to be quick and easy when checking trucks in on their first round). The problem currently is that the truck is checked in with a defualt quantity and they are only in for one load - it goes complete as soon as they are ticketed. We need them to be asssigned for the life of the dipatch order as if they were assigned with 0 loads and 0 qty on the vehicle dispatch screen. We use autoid for checkin, so once they are assigned on their first round, we don't want them to have to be assigned again on subsequent rounds. They should just check in automatically at the RF reader.