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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

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Created by Guest
Created on Aug 16, 2017

Change 'Tie Carrier to Vehicle'

Remove 'Force Unique Vehicle Codes' (always Yes) - This way the key on the database is always VehicleID, we don't have to worry about making sure DR is setup correctly to prevent duplication.

Remove 'Tie Carrier to Vehicle' (on vehicles screen, if a carrier is chosen, show vehicles for that carrier. If not, show all vehicles. CTRL+F3 shows all vehicles).

Change vehicles screen so that Carrier is always on top. This removes 2 fields from that screen, and prevents issues with screen designer as well as a couple program bugs that have occurred in the different versions of this screen because of this.

Change Dispatch and Ticketing to only perform look-ups based on VehicleID (Today, if I assign a vehicle to a Dispatch at the office, but the carrier is different from what is seen at the plant, the assignment will not be found).

Upgrades must be kept in mind if this were to be done. When upgrading from v3- to v4+, SyDatChg would be ran in v3, so we have a precedent on having to manipulate data manually during the upgrade.

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  • Admin
    Command Alkon
    Mar 28, 2019

    Available in Apex version 7.0.0