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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

Status Will not implement
Created by Deleted User
Created on Mar 15, 2017

Safety kiosk

We were brainstorming ideas and we wanted to see what you think of this idea:

For lack of a better name – we could create a Safety Kiosk that might not be located on the scale (or it might). It might contain one or more of the following features and be integrated with Apex:

  • Have MSHA or other site safety items like videos, documents, pictures, etc. that a person would need to review before coming onsite. It might have a place for their electronic signature. It would store the information, signature and the safety movie/documents/etc. would be repeatable or mandatory after a configurable amount of time.
  • It might have insurance information that would need to be updated if it is expired (and not allow ticketing if expired?)
  • It might have license information that would need to be updated if it is expired (and not allow ticketing?)
  • It might allow updating of Workman’s Comp expiration (and not allow ticketing if expired?)
  • It might show the carriers/vehicles average time in plant and have graphs to compare it to other carriers?
  • Others?

Are any of these features attractive? Is this something your company sees value in? Should we consider additional features? Are there other ways we can help your operations?

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  • Simon Edwards
    Sep 8, 2017

    One of our plant managers suggested this. Our safety dept squashed the idea. Driver communication needs to be consistent at all plants. Better signage was chosen as the preferred method.