We're starting to hear comments about improving Apex inventory. Is there any interest among this group to improve Apex inventory? If yes- what would work best for your company?
we'd like the plant side to update inventory at ticket time and not end of day. this gets into making it aware of voided and corrections, but would help our plant restocking efforts greatly. a transaction history as below is an absolute necessity - and that could ignore tickets if it had to.
We definitely would like improvements in this area. We only close inventory once per year. During the year, we regularly need to look at historical data to find adjustments that were made to inventory. There is no transactional storage in inventory that would provide a report of activity that has occured.
Thanks! We'll take a look at these items.
we'd like the plant side to update inventory at ticket time and not end of day. this gets into making it aware of voided and corrections, but would help our plant restocking efforts greatly. a transaction history as below is an absolute necessity - and that could ignore tickets if it had to.
We definitely would like improvements in this area. We only close inventory once per year. During the year, we regularly need to look at historical data to find adjustments that were made to inventory. There is no transactional storage in inventory that would provide a report of activity that has occured.