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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

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Created by Chris Derksen
Created on Apr 29, 2016

Add wizard functionality to product program

With the complexity of product setup (categories, tax classes, fees, added charges, etc...  It would be great to have a wizard that could copy the settings from one product to a new product.  This would reduce user entry errors and improve the consistency of product master data entry.

  • Attach files
  • Guest
    Dec 21, 2016

    Product copy wizard was added to Apex 6 and released in October 2016. In Apex 7 multiple Wizards were added.

    Please see attached for Apex 6 information..

  • Guest
    May 8, 2016

    In Apex v7, we've designed (not implemented) this capability. The plan is to add a menu/toolbar item to all the 'syfmhdr' programs (internal classification of the program type).  The menu/toolbar item would be call 'Duplication Record'. 


    Upon selecting a dialog would appear that would list the 'Old Key' and prompt for the 'New Key'.  In your example, 'Old ProductID' and 'New ProductID'.  The dialog would also have a check-box to allow/not allow the copying of 'Notes'.


    This modification/enhancement would affect about 40+ programs.  Examples are: Trailers, Carriers, Drivers, Products, Customers/Prospects/Bidders, Salepersons, etc.  Basically most of the 'Master Data' programs that just have a single key.

