The ability to create pop up messages that appear during ticketing. The message could be scheduled by that amount of time after the first load goes out or my total tonnage delivered to the job. For example, setup a message that says "Testing Needed" every 200 ton.
Will not implement at this time.
To make sure - I understand the request.
There is a business requirement to do some sort of lab work every X hours or every X amount of tons (or specific unit of measure).
If this is a correct assumption, then Apex would need to have add functionality on the ticketing screen to display alerts. These alerts would need to be configurable by either a weight increment threshold or a timed interval threshold or maybe both. The alerting setup will probably be done at the product screen. Also, ticketing will need some area on the form or some notification message to say - 'X hours have past, please test product Y' or maybe the message would say - 'X tons have been shipped, please test product Y. I'm going to assume that this alert is just informational and would not stop ticketing if the weigh master didn't do a lab test. The challenging portion of this request is to determine what criteria to use that the lab work was done. When the 'Testing' is complete, do you enter some data into Apex?
Let me know if any of my assumptions are correct and what your business process it.
Russ Weston - Apex Development Manager