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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.

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Categories Ticket
Created by Deleted User
Created on May 26, 2017

Add Notes to Ticketing

Any opinions on this functionality?


In the system we replaced, users had the ability to add freeform notes to a ticket throughout its lifecycle.  This was very useful when dealing with customer inquiries down the road on voids and corrections or manual transactions since they could record more detail than a simple ‘Void Reason’.  It also allowed customer service to add notes at the ticket level when a customer called with any dispute.

We would like to add the existing Apex notes functionality to the tickets.  This would be the same functionality available on other sales documents today, extended to be available at the ticket level.  This would need to be available at remote locations and include the ability to replicate (synote) to the office.  The notes would need to remain valid as the ticket moved through the various stages in the office (scale, edit, history).  Scale users would need to be able to add a note to a ticket, even after a Void, up until it has been closed for changes at the remote location.

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