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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.


Quote Processing

Showing 4

Default sales order

On sales orders, if you bring up a customer, it will default to a specified order based on the orderID. As it stands now, that will also default inactive and completed orders the first time you bring up a customer. I have worked with support, and ...
Will Parr about 3 years ago in Quote Processing 1 Reviewing

On the quote wizard, separate out pricing from the reset customer information

When copying a quote from one customer to another, the pricing will often times stay the same, while the customer specific information such as contact information will change. This is especially true when price lists are not being used. But those ...
John Barth almost 7 years ago in Quote Processing 4 Reviewing

Quote/Order Wizard / Reset Customer Information

We create a quote for a given customer, then copy this quote out to other customers using Wizard. There is in option in the process to "Reset Customer Information" which is good if the new customer would have a different Invoice Template, Payment ...
Richard Clemens about 5 years ago in Quote Processing 0 Reviewing

Ability to "schedule future prices" at the Job level

We use price escalators on a lot of quotes and orders (and require Jobs for most sales documents), it would be nice to set it up at the Job level and let it copy over to the quote and then order through the wizards. *Same functionality as schedule...
Justin Higdon over 6 years ago in Quote Processing 0 Reviewing