Support for Multiple Instances of Scale Tickets Screen
Support for Multiple instances of Scale Tickets Screens should have native functionality.Current Vulcan Materials solution involves a .vbs script ‘LaneApp.exe’ to start another instance of scale tickets with a separate ‘idn’ file to allow simultan...
Simon Edwards
over 7 years ago
in Ticket
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It would be very beneficial to be able to Re-Price Tickets by customer in the Re-Price Tickets screen. Right now, it can only be done by date or location. The problem with not having this ability is the Re-Price Ticket screen is useless and the ba...
Logan Van Proyen
over 5 years ago
in Ticket
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Copying a user should be streamlined and centralized into a single form
If you are setting up multiple users it can get quite tedious and time consuming (one asphalt plant has three shifts, two plant operators each, along with a scale clerk in the day), Current process involves:
Copy username.cfg file. (for icons) a...
Simon Edwards
over 7 years ago
in Ticket
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Automatically reset completed sales order status when tickets are voided
Apex will automatically complete a sales order when all ordered quantities have been shipped on a sales order - based on the configuration of "Complete By and Percentage". However, if a ticket is voided and the quantity shipped is now below the qu...
Richard Clemens
over 5 years ago
in Ticket
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