When in Apex and using the 'Log Off / On menu choice, please set focus on the login screen password screen (just as is done on a normal program start). A flashing cursor appears in the password field, but no user input is accepted unit unless the ...
Simon Edwards
over 6 years ago
in Ticket
Already exists
Add Ability & Option to Automatically Email Tickets to Specified Customers When Ticketing
We have certain customers who request ticket copies on a regular basis. Having the ability to automatically email tickets for such customers at the time of ticketing would be extremely helpful to us and our customers.
Kyle Gayler
almost 3 years ago
in Ticket
Already exists
Orders: Have the ability to add or change orders on a mobile device. Mobile sales people are having to log on to Apex through Citrix at the end of the day or throughout the day to enter orders. Having an app on their iphone would greatly reduce th...
Beverly Schlather
about 7 years ago
in Ticket
Already exists
If trucks are checked in, it would be helpful to be able to use the 'Trucks In Yard' screen to 'Right Click, Ticket Now' similar to the Dispatch Schedule Screen (DSDispatchInquiry.exe) bring the truck to the Scale Tickets screen for Weighout or ot...
Simon Edwards
over 7 years ago
in Ticket
Already exists
allow a vehicle in plant to scale out even after the orders end date/time
We enforce relatively tight pickup windows, for example an order will only be open between 8 and 12 on a given day. Sometimes if a vehicle arrives near the end of their scheduled pickup window they may not complete loading and be ready to leave un...
Brian Frey
over 2 years ago
in Ticket
Already exists
As Shipper, select a vehicle from Vehicles In Plant screen to populate Scale Ticket Screen
Vehicles in plant shows those vehicles to be loaded/ticketed, clicking on a specific vehicle would populate the Scale ticket screen with checked-in details. This saves the shipper having to manually enter vehicleID to either load or ticket the veh...
Print a Single Copy of a Ticket if Entered Through OFFICE Location
Users who enter transactions into the Ticketing and Ticket Edit screen in the OFFICE location would like only a single ticket to print out. Our current ticket formats are universal, and all tickets print (2) copies. Since OFFICE tickets are not ne...
Alan Pawlik
about 7 years ago
in Ticket
Already exists