Ability to configure startup programs by user AND workstation.
At larger plants with multiple workstations a single user may want to have different programs startup, depending on which workstation they log into. One station may handle odd numbered lanes, the other station handles even lanes (plant has seven l...
Simon Edwards
over 7 years ago
in Ticket
Will not implement
Allow Other Charges to Convert All To "Metric" Tons
Qty Calc Method "Convert All To Tons" in Other Charges/Surchages cannot use Metric Tons for the conversion. Add a "Convert All To Metric Tons" option or allow the current option to use the units of measured registered in Apex.
Marcus Gleriano
about 2 years ago
in Ticket
Will not implement
Add ability to edit the Customer Name Field from Ticketing screen and/or Dispatch Order screen. COD customer tickets would be typical use scenario. Edited name will be actual name on ticket and Dispatch Order but will not change Customer Record.
Kerry Dougan
over 6 years ago
in Ticket
Will not implement
The ability to create pop up messages that appear during ticketing. The message could be scheduled by that amount of time after the first load goes out or my total tonnage delivered to the job. For example, setup a message that says "Testing Neede...
Casey Eisenbrandt
over 7 years ago
in Ticket
Will not implement