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Bulk Materials Ideas

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Status Reviewing
Categories Invoicing
Created by Richard Clemens
Created on Apr 26, 2021

Invoicing - Need a way to prevent Cash/Credit Card Invoices from being E-mailed.

Although we do have a generic Cash Sale and Credit Card sale customer numbers in Apex, if the customer does have an account with us, we will use his/her actual customer number. When paying cash, we dont need to get a copy of the invoice to the customer. As we anticipate turning on the process to automatically E-mail invoices to a customer, we somehow need to prevent cash/credit card invoices from being E-mailed out.

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  • Richard Clemens
    Apr 28, 2021

    True on using sales orders under our cash and credit card customer number. Problem here is that , in doing do, you lose the ability to determine sales volumes by specific customer. We have some customers who do a lot of business with us - and pay by credit card.

    I do want to keep this out here for consideration,

    We can POST by charge, cash or charge and cash.

    I would like to see the same options available on the Freight Split and Invoice processing.

    Thanks again for responding.

  • Chris Miranti
    Apr 27, 2021

    So, it sounds like the ask is more along the lines of the ability to select invoice delivery method at the order level.

    As far as options you have today, it sounds like the best bet is to either use a sales order underneath the cash customer (even if they have an account, since they are paying cash), or if a customer ever pays cash to only print invoices for them.

    Outside of Apex, we have customers that would accommodate this business case by using something like OnBase to handle invoice delivery after the invoices are generated in Apex.

  • Richard Clemens
    Apr 27, 2021

    Appreciate the feedback Chris. Thank you.

    1). Invoice Cash tickets. We do need to run this through invoicing and assign an actual invoice number - which would be required on our ERP system.

    2). Setting Invoice print at customer level. Would not be able to use this feature either as a customer could pay cash or request it be charged to their account. We have customers who do both - depending on the size of the job they are doing.

    3). Using Crystal Report. As our invoices are custom reports, I was looking to do something here.

  • Chris Miranti
    Apr 26, 2021


    We have a couple options for this.

    • System Configuration - Invoice Cash Tickets

      • This could be turned off to prevent invoice altogether. However, some integrations may require this to be turned on.

    • Customer - Document Delivery - Invoices - Print

      • Printing, Emailing, or Both can be set at the Customer level. So, if invoicing cash, you can set these to print.

      • When printing invoices, you can use a Crystal Reports feature to 'suppress printing if no records', and modify the report so that it pulls no data if cash. That way the invoice doesn't even print if you don't want it to.