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Bulk Materials Ideas

Idea and discussion portal for the bulk materials product line. Users may submit, view and vote on ideas submitted by all users.


Office System

Showing 39 of 313

Locations: Add "Active" checkbox to Locations, ability to inactivate old locations

Create the ability to inactivate old locations so they no longer appear in the dropdown list by unchecking the "Active" checkbox - the same "Active" checkbox as in the Product screen.
Elizabeth Prins over 2 years ago in Office System 1 Already exists

Add support for .XLSX files in My Data Import

The screen only allows for .XLS file formats and does not know how to find the data in a .XLSX file. Since most new excel files are in this format, it would eliminate the need to save the file as a csv or xls file.
Logan Van Proyen almost 6 years ago in Office System 2 Committed with no timeline

Allow for $0 price Other Charges on Tickets for times when an Indexed Charge goes to $0

We use indexed other charges to handle items like Fuel Surcharge. We apply this at the location level, but for certain months the Fuel Surcharge is $0. Currently this causes Re-price to throw an exception. For the months the charge is $0 we have t...
Justin Higdon over 3 years ago in Office System 0 Reviewing

Ability to schedule multiple price changes on one day

It would be ideal to have the ability to schedule multiple price changes on the same day in sales document programs (quotes, orders, etc.). This could be used so that a user could change freight pricing for multiple locations (but one location at ...
Chris Miranti about 4 years ago in Office System / Sales Documents 1 Reviewing

Customizing the Product by Location screen

I would like to be able to customize the Product by Location screen, in the drill-down section, to be able to rename some labels, and add my own User Defined fields to that table. Similar to the customizations that can be done to the Products scre...
Simon Ausseil over 4 years ago in Office System 2 Reviewing

Combine Versions and Auditing features

Instead of using 2 different functions for similar things, merge Versions into Auditing functionality. 1. Allow bringing up an audit record similar to a version record 2. Allow entering a reason/description on-save (based on configuration)
Chris Miranti over 6 years ago in Office System 0 Reviewing

Allow Multiple Freight Rates By Carrier for an Order and Product

This would allow to charge and/or pay different freight rates and freight pay rates by carrier for a single product on an order.
Sam Galloway almost 6 years ago in Office System 1 Reviewing

Allow for different freight rate/pay units for each freight type on an order

On the order level, it would be great to have the ability to change the freight rate/pay units for each freight type. For instance our internal freight should be by the ton for both rate and pay. But our 3rd party should always be by the load. The...
Logan Van Proyen almost 6 years ago in Office System 0 Reviewing

Default Value for any Screen

Similar to how the Value Change screen works for Orders, Customers, and such, but it would allow for any screen to have a default value that an admin can set. There are a handful of system default values that are always changed, so it would be ben...
Logan Van Proyen over 5 years ago in Office System 2 Reviewing

Ability to mark Tax Codes and IDs as Inactive

Add the ability to mark Tax Codes and IDs as Inactive in order to remove them from dropdowns, but keep them for historical data.
Chris Miranti almost 6 years ago in Office System 0 Reviewing