Ability to schedule multiple price changes on one day
It would be ideal to have the ability to schedule multiple price changes on the same day in sales document programs (quotes, orders, etc.). This could be used so that a user could change freight pricing for multiple locations (but one location at ...
Calculating royalties using effective dates like sales tax rates. Rates change based upon a specific date, would be nice to have rates change/paid by date of ticket and then subsequently market paid - just like freight pay with a journal report po...
Stephen Pynn
about 1 year ago
in Sales Documents
When an attachment is added to a Job/Quote/Order the icon should change to let you know there is an attachment
When an attachment is added to an Job/Quote/Order the attachment icon (paperclip) could turn red (like the notes icon does after you add a note), or a similar change could happen to let a user know an attachment exists. *Request from user on July ...
Justin Higdon
almost 5 years ago
in Sales Documents
Future consideration
When using the orders form, after entering the customer code, pressing tab causes an old/inactive order to be displayed/opened. If there are current/active orders available for the customer to display, only active orders should be displayed.
almost 8 years ago
in Sales Documents
Future consideration
Restrict Ticketing After Quantity Exceeded by Customer
We have certain customers (usually counties) that are firm in not paying for any tonnage over the amount on a PO. I know this can be restricted systemwide as well as on an individual order by unchecking the "Allow Ticket After Order Quantity Excee...
Mark Adkinson
over 3 years ago
in Sales Documents
Add Security Option to allow non-sales people to use the wizard to create an order from a quote
In our legacy system, we permitted non-sales people, such as order takers to pull up a quote and create an order directly from the quote. If I recall correctly in Apex, the user's security level must be high enough to enable update capability to t...
Richard Clemens
over 8 years ago
in Sales Documents
Already exists
Change automatic behavior of JOBS program Job Stage: Won/Loss
From our Sales Users in Apex 6: Job Sales Stage works fine when going from Pending to Quoted. The problem is when Won and Loss stages automatically change. There are too many variables to determine Won/ Loss stages automatically. For Example, if w...
Justin Higdon
over 4 years ago
in Sales Documents
The Apex Tax Hierarchy can be a bit confusing when a user does not have access to all the screens that hold the Tax code such as Locations or products. Being able to add a tax code on the Order Product line, this would be the final trump for tax c...
Logan Van Proyen
about 5 years ago
in Sales Documents