Price Adjustments for asphalt products based on Oil Index changes.
We have received request to add functionality to Apex to support escalation/de-escalation of pricing based on changes to the Oil Index. We would like to get feedback from the community on how you handle this process today. Please Vote if you would...
For a fully automated site, it would be great to have the ability to select the carrier at the kiosk. We have drivers who can haul for different carriers from day to day. Giving them this option at the touchscreen would be very helpful.
Sam Galloway
over 5 years ago
in Auto ID
To set where Apex looks to find which printer to print tickets to, you set the value in System Config. It can look to Scale, Location, Computer, Plant, or Highest.
It would be very beneficial if we could set up a Hierarchy of where it looks for t...
Logan Van Proyen
almost 6 years ago
in Ticket
We recently received a request from the business concerning a potential enhancement and would like to inquire with you concerning our options. If a sales order has a freight table assigned, then we would like for Apex to notify users whenever they...
Ceasear Walker
over 7 years ago
in Office System
The previous version we had was very useful with the Ticket Inquiry. One of the main features of the ticket inquiry we used was to show a total tonnage per product break down. The current ticket inquiry will show me how many tickets I have printed...
Frequently, someone without expert level knowledge will be troubleshooting AutoID, and receive a 'No Assignment' error. Looking further at the logs, we can see 'Last Input E', but it does not appear to be an error, so it is overlooked. They reques...
Auto ID Configuration doesn't affect Vehicle Auto ID Tab
In the setting: Locations-> Auto ID-> Controls ->Default ID Status we have the choice set to 'Active'.
If you are in scale ticketing and bring up a truck, then click on the 'Assign a Vehicle' button (Ctrl-A), the Location setting is respe...
Simon Edwards
over 6 years ago
in Ticket
Option (check box) to send multiple/all customer invoices attached to a single email instead of multiple
Apex currently sends one email per invoice, so if a customer has 4 invoices, they receive 4 emails. adding an option to aggregate a customer's invoices as multiple attachments to a single email (4 invoices attached to 1 email) would reduce the qua...
If entering a vehicle into the ticket screen, and that vehicle has an incomplete ticket, bring up the incomplete ticket instead of starting a new ticket
In some cases, a ticket is saved as incomplete to save information for later. When the vehicle is ticketed, someone has to manually check if an incomplete ticket exists.
Chris Miranti
over 6 years ago
in Ticket
As a fleet manager, I would like the ability to configure factors that make up ‘driver utilization’.
Driver utilization is an important KPI for transportation reporting.
Different people will calculate Driver Utilization differently. For some, it would be time spent in statuses that does not exceed planning. For some, it would be time spent assig...
Chris Miranti
over 6 years ago
in Dispatch
Define maximum vehicle axles/axle group weights weights and capture actual weights at ticket time
Apex is very effective at defining and capturing Gross Vehicle Weight (ie default, state & federal) for a vehicle configuration such that vehicles are not overloaded at ticketing time.
However Regulatory bodies require that vehicles also do n...